Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate 1988 posters

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate

In 1984, Mercedes-Benz introduced the 124 series, the first of the E-Class line of vehicles. It was not until June 1993 that the name change occurred. With its debut at the International Motor Show, the model designation followed the classic pattern. The 124 series was marked by a vast array of models, body shapes, and innovations. A key moment was the presentation of the Estate in September 1985 at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt/Main. This second-generation Estate from Mercedes-Benz showcased a similar engineering and styling to the Saloon version, with the exception of the deviating rear end design, the higher roof, and the resulting changes. Major components, the brake system, and the suspension were adapted to the higher payload; other components mirrored those of the Saloon. The design engineers adopted the Saloon's safety standard as much as they could for the Estate models. In particular, the design of the rear body overhang was developed with up-to-date safety research findings. An example is the fuel tank, which is positioned underneath the vehicle floor in the Estates for design purposes. It has been uniquely crafted with sloping faces on the upper side of the tank and the vehicle floor to prevent the tank from impacting the road surface in the case of a rear-end collision and deformation of the side members. It is secured in position by check straps.

Treat yourself to a unique throwback! Step back in time with the Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate 1988 Collection, featuring posters, mouse pads, t-shirts, and calendars. Get your hands on these unique items and have a piece of automotive history all for yourself. Get it now at _____ Today.